Uhg. It’s only eleven in the morning. Back to sleep I go. Noon? I could do a bit better. And then, at one, I rise. It’s cold. On the windows there’s condensation and I see the grass covered with frost. I shiver. Is it winter already? I put on a long-sleeved tee-shirt and a pair of track pants and head off to brush my teeth. Back and forth, back and forth. Up and down, up and down. Still tired, I creep down the stairs and have fried eggs with a bagel (also known as pure bliss). My dog scratches. I threaten to scratch him back if he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t stop. I scratch him back.

Hmm… what to do next? I lie down on the couch and my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel lies on top of me. I feel warm as I watch a movie. I pet my dog and lie there happily in my family room. Life’s good. Around 4pm I realize I have an English assignment due and run to my computer. I stare at the blank word document before me and wonder how writers do it. Perhaps they use SparkNotes?
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