Grilled Peach and Cinnamon Crumble Ice Cream

I stumbled down the grey concrete steps past the barbecue and around the corner; walking toward the emerald grass, one hand holding an ice cream cone and the other clutching my camera. It was a hot spring day, unusually common this time of year in Toronto. It seemed that the weather was pushed a month forward: March showers brought April flowers.

Grilled peach ice cream

The frosty treat was melting down the side of the cone, gradually approaching my fingers. Soon, the ice cream covered most of the cone in streaks of peachy-goodness. As the ice cream melted it revealed chunks of frozen peach and nuggets of cinnamon crumble.

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Tutorial: French Macarons

(2017/09/04 Note: this post does not have my latest thinking on making the best French macarons possible. I encourage you to, instead, follow the instructions in this post where I compare, head-to-head, the macaron recipes of the world’s top pastry chefs.)

This is a tutorial for French macarons (also known as macarons), not for macaroons. Macarons are delicate French pastries that come in hundreds of flavours and colours while macaroons are made from dessicated coconut and come in regular and chocolate, and that’s about it. Macaron is pronounced [MAC-a-ron] while macaroon is pronounced [mac-a-RUNE]. Roll your Rs (and speak with a French accent) for the former. If you want some macaron recipes, please check out my recipe index! Macarons are great for eating by themselves or, if you want to be fancy, make a great decoration for entremets. So, let’s get started!

Help!There are thousands of recipes online for macarons, all slightly different. The problem is a lot of them aren’t very clear. Since macarons are very delicate, it’s important to have excellent technique. That’s hard to do though when recipes tell you to do things like fold the batter until it looks like “magma”. Seriously? Magma? Underground lava? That’s helpful.

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Passion Fruit Crème Caramel

I’m part of the science club at my school and a few days ago we went to Guelph University for a science competition.

Passion fruit crème caramel with strawberries and a Chinese lantern fruit

In one of the events that I was signed up for, contestants had to assemble a human foot using “clone bones” with the help of a diagram. Thirty or so bones were laid out in front of each team on a blue mat. My team was competing against three other teams. A few minutes before we began one of the volunteer supervisors asked everyone to put their phones in their pockets.

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