Pecan Linzer Cookies

I made cookies. That can be exceptionally difficult without cookie cutters. I was able to make doughnuts without a doughnut cutter, but making cookies without cookie cutters is much more difficult. Especially if they’re cut-out cookies and you don’t want to settle for circles (or strangely shaped ellipses).

Pecan linzer cookies with a raspberry filling. Click to make your own!

I tried making cookie cutters out of tinfoil before but it’s a pain. I decided I would ask around if anyone had any cookie cutters I could borrow in exchange for, well, cookies. I amassed a collection of cookie cutters overnight and now owe about a dozen cookies to different people.

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Chocolate Cake

What do you look for in a chocolate cake? Do you like cakes that are so rich that you can only eat a thin slice at a time or do you prefer lighter ones where eating half in one sitting is not an issue? I’m in the second boat. I prefer to suck in chocolate cake like a vacuum.

Chocolate cake with spiked whipped cream. Make your own at home--click for the recipe!

I like chocolate but I don’t like cakes that are so rich I have to restrict my consumption of them. Light chocolate cakes bring back memories of grocery store birthday cakes. Rich, dark chocolate cakes just can’t do that. The cool thing about this recipe though is that it’s really simple to adjust to your tastes.

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Winner, Winner!

I didn’t have time to bake anything this weekend since I was touring a university. I have to choose one in a few months.. eek! I’ll have a new recipe up next Monday though, and it’s a pretty awesome one.

The random winner from last week’s giveaway of Pure Vanilla by Shauna Sever is…

Top view of a stack of donuts

Comment #1 by Sharon: “My favorite use for vanilla, Pound cake calls for excellent vanilla.”

Congratulations! I’ll be sending you an email later today for your mailing address. :)

Thank you to everyone who entered. You’re all winners. It’s just that Sharon won more.