Homemade Mars Bars

There is only one thing worse than making candy without a candy thermometer. (Alright, more than one, but bear with me.) It’s making candy with a poorly calibrated candy thermometer.  When you make candy without a thermometer, you know that your caramel might not come out right. You know there is a risk.

Homemade Mars bars with chewy caramel and chocolate nougat. Make your own! Click for the recipe.

When your thermometer isn’t accurate, you’re positive that everything is going to be fine and then it isn’t. You have hope, and then that hope is crushed. First candy, then your dreams.

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Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Have you ever had a peanut butter cup before? Slightly crunchy peanut butter encased in a milk chocolate shell is magical. In fact, Reese, the largest producer of peanut butter cups in the world, has made millions of dollars from the concept.

Completely homemade Reese's peanut butter cups. Make your own! Click for the recipe.

How do they make them though? How does their peanut butter have that slight crunch without any visible pieces of peanuts? How do they get the peanut butter in the chocolate? And, most importantly, how can you do all of that at home?

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Tutorial: Gingerbread Cookies

Gingerbread cookies became popular under Queen Elizabeth I who gifted gingerbread men (human shaped gingerbread cookies) to foreign dignitaries. Every dignitary would receive a cookie that was supposed to look just like them. Really demanding for the royal pastry chef, eh?

Snowflake gingerbread cookies. Click for a full photo tutorial on how to make amazing gingerbread! Perfect for the holidays #christmasGingerbread is eaten a lot during the holiday season and has been associated with Christmas celebrations. If you want perfectly chewy gingerbread cookies, with a touch of crunch, this recipe is a great place to start. Throughout this tutorial I’ve included suggestions to either spice up the recipe (for a more in-your-face flavour) or tone it down if you’re planning on serving these to kids (or dogs – dogs like gingerbread).

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