Vanilla Cake

Well, I’m back! I finally finished my exams and applied to university so now I’m free to share some delicious recipes. I baked a cake to celebrate the fact that I finished. Below is the cake.

Fluffy vanilla cake frosted with whipped cream and topped with fresh raspberries. Click for the recipe!

I think I need to work on my introductions. Anyhow, this cake is pretty good at doing cake things. It’s moist, which is good, and it’s fluffy, which is also good. I mean, can you ever have too much fluffy? The cake, however, does not do people things very well.

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Salted Caramels

For a while I couldn’t understand why people put salt on sweets. I was confident that dessert was meant to be sweet, and salt would just ruin the luxurious, tooth-decaying experience.

Homemade salted caramels. Make your own--click to get the recipe!

I was wrong. Salt is able to offset the sweetness of desserts while also giving them a kick. Salt can really turn up the flavour. In fact, salt can actually help make your teeth decay faster! Salt really does make sweet desserts better. Especially desserts made almost completely our of sugar, like caramel.

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Falafel, which is essentially a deep-fried chickpea croquette, is not healthy. Falafel is definitely delicious though, especially when deep-fried instead of baked. Falafel consists of ground chickpeas and herbs that are ground up and fried. It’s one of those things that you can’t really call healthy, but you can definitely call “dinner”.

Homemade chickpea falafel on a pita with lettuce, tomato, onion, and tzatziki sauce... click for the recipe!

If you bake your falafel then it becomes much healthier, but also less crunchy. You must decide, when you make falafel, whether you treasure your health more than the momentary satisfaction you will get from a crunch. I chose the crunch. Falafel is amazing when it’s crunchy!

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